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Bi Luo Chun Tea
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Bi Luo Chun Tea
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Biluochun: "Biluochun" tea cube tight knot, and its curling as conch. And as you see, the tea leaves are very bright green and tender. After brewing, the tea slowly stretch, roaring up and down. And the tea water also very green, fragrance, tasting sweet, which was considered as tribute as early as the tang period. Biluochun, one of the most famous green tea in china. As we can see, the tea leaves is slender, and has a little curl, tea water is very green. After brewing, the tea tastes sweet and smells fragance. Drink green tea 10 grams every day, 30% of the physiological need iron can be obtained and also Zinc. The people who often often drink green tea to zinc intake 30 mg per day, more than not drinkers 16 mg. And the green tea contains abundant nutrients human body needed such as protein, vitamins and trace elements, etc. Green tea is suitable for neither men or women. Brewing Tips: Brew 5g (0.18oz) in 225ml (8 fl oz) water at 76℃(170℉) for 2 minutes. Strain and add more water to the leaves for a second and third infusion.


Weight: 100 g (3.53 oz).

Includes: Tea Leaves, Packing Bag.

Quality Guarantee Period: 24 Months.

Bi Luo Chun Tea and Health

Ever since tea was discovered, it has been thought to have wide-ranging health benefits and it is interesting that modern research is proving that many of the claims made over the centuries are in fact true. Tea's most obvious asset is that it is a completely natural product and contains no artificial coloring, preservatives, or flavorings (except, of course, additional flower, fruit, or spice flavorings in scented teas), it is also virtually calorie-free if taken without milk or sugar, and can play a major role in maintaining bodily fluid balance. Since tea naturally contains fluoride, it can strengthen tooth enamel and help reduce the formation plaque by controlling bacteria in the mouth. It thus acts as a defense against gum disease.

Animal research suggests that the consumption of Bi Luo Chun Tea may reduce the risk of cancer - particularly lung, colon, and skin cancer. Also It is thought that components in black tea may have an antioxidant effect, helping to prevent the formation of cancer - inducing substances in body cells.

Various research programs conducted over the last few years indicate tea's possible benefits against heart disease, stroke, and thrombosis. The reason for this is thought to be because the caffeine in tea acts as a gentle stimulant to the heart and circulatory system, and thus helps to keep the walls of the blood vessels soft, so reducing the likelihood of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). It is also thought that the polyphenols in tea help to inhibit the absorption of cholesterol into the blood stream and help to prevent the formation of blood clots.

The caffeine in Bi Luo Chun Tea can increase concentration, alertness, and accuracy, and enhances the senses of taste and smell. It also stimulates the digestive juices and the metabolism, including the kidneys and liver, thus helping to eliminate toxins and other unwanted substances from the body.

Reviews (5)

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By:Sandra 24/01/2022
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By:Raquel 13/01/2022
To the leader, times have face, very good to drink ~
By:Richard 14/02/2020
Very good packaging, suitable for giving away gifts
By:Saadia Mustafa 24/02/2019
Dad drank has been said to drink, business attitude is particularly good, also mail shun Fung Express fast, recommended to buy
By:Brian Beauchamp 31/01/2018
very beautiful