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Taiwan Bai Hao Oolong Tea
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Taiwan Bai Hao Oolong Tea
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The Oriental Beauty Oolong, also known as Bai Hao Oolong, is a highly oxidize Taiwanese oolong tea. This oolong with the appearance of a black tea has a floral toasty aroma and a sweet fruity muscatel taste. British tea merchant presented this tea to Queen Elizabeth II in the early 20th century. The Queen was delighted by the taste and aroma by this tea and named it as Oriental Beauty. This Formosa Bai Hao Oolong is cherished by oolong drinkers around the world.


Weight: 100 g (3.53 oz).

Includes: Tea Leaves, Packing Bag.

Quality Guarantee Period: 24 Months.

Region: Beipu Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Manufacture: 65 to 75 percent oxidation
Style: Opervtwist, folded-leaf
Flavor: Sweet, fresh, "honeyed" fruit
Aroma: Pure and clean fragrance of apricots and peaches
Liquor: Clear, pale golden color
Steeping: Numerous 3- to 4-minute infusions at 180° to 195°F (increasing temperature with the steepings). Drink plain.
Bai Hao is Taiwan's premier oolong and most famous tea竊?nd it is referred to by various names in English. It is easy to drink and delicious and has a very short, summer-only harvest season. A traditional, leafy oolong, Bai Hao has the characteristic stone-fruit flavor and aroma that makes it an excellent and indulgent "sipping" tea. Bai Hao oolong can be enjoyed with food - especially sweet or slightly savory snacks. Serve in small porcelain cups with a light-colored, unpatterned interior. A properly prepared Bai Hao oolong will present a remarkable aroma and clean taste.

Reviews (2)

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By:Hanene Hamdoun 30/10/2020
The food was good and the price was perfect.
By:Alfred Jaksimoni 01/05/2018
As always, the packaging is not bad. Buy it for a friend. It is a good choice.